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9450 SW Gemini Dr, Beaverton, OR 97008
United States 🇺🇸

We are aware that in the current environment not a lot of accountants or tax consultants understand crypto assets, however we have been involved in the crypto asset tax trade since 2017.

We understand that there was a lot of uncertainty on how crypto gains should be taxed, which resulted in a number of traders not declaring their gains at all.

There is clarity now and we can help you fix the situation with the years you have not declared your crypto asset tax gains or losses (to utilise against future gains).

Perhaps this is your first tax year with crypto asset gains, in which case we will also help you with high quality reports from the start.

If this is you, then it’s time to get help. Take the burden off your shoulders. We’ll untangle it for you. We have a deep technical understanding of software and tax, which enables us to optimise your crypto tax with the available crypto tax software products.

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