Supported transactions
To calculate your taxes accurately, you must import all transactions from Binance to Coinpanda. Coinpanda supports the following transactions from Binance today:
Tx Type | API import | CSV file upload |
Spot trades | ||
Deposits and withdrawals | ||
Staking/Airdrops/Rewards/Distributions | ||
Dust to BNB conversion | ||
Binance Liquid Swap (BSwap) | ||
Binance Leveraged Tokens (BLVT) | ||
Convert History | ||
Buy/Sell Crypto History (fiat) | ||
Fiat deposits/withdrawals | ||
C2C Trades | ||
Binance Pay (Binance Card) | ||
Commission rebates + referral kickbacks | ||
BUSD Auto-Conversion | ||
Futures trading (realized pnl, funding, fees)* | ||
Margin trading (Isolated)* | ||
Margin trading (Cross)* |
* You will need to create separate wallets on Coinpanda for futures and margin trading. See our respective guides here: Binance Futures, Binance Cross Margin, and Binance Isolated Margin.
How to connect Binance with API
We are only requesting view permissions. This does not give us access to your private keys or the ability to move your funds.
Follow these steps to add your Binance account to Coinpanda with API:
- Go to the Binance API page by hovering over the user icon in the top header and then click ‘API Management’
( - Click on ‘Create Tax Report API’
- Click ‘Get code’ to receive a verification code to your email address
- Enter the verification code and your 2FA code if required, then click ‘Submit’
- Copy the API Key and Secret Key to Coinpanda
The Binance API has several limitations that are important to be aware of.
Please see this list for more information and how to get around this.
How to connect Binance with CSV
Follow these steps to export your transactions from Binance:
Binance Statements CSV
- Go to the Transaction History page by hovering over ‘Wallet’ in the top header and clicking ‘Transaction History’
( - Click on ‘Generate all statements’ in the top-right corner
- Select a custom time period (max range is 12 months)
- Select ‘All’ for both Account and Coin, and uncheck ‘Hide transfer record’
- Click ‘Generate’ and download the file when ready
- Repeat the previous three steps until your entire trading history is covered
- Upload the CSV file(s) to Coinpanda
The ‘Statements’ CSV file can be uploaded to any Binance wallet on Coinpanda:
• Binance
• Binance Futures
• Binance Cross Margin
• Binance Isolated Margin
Only the relevant transactions will be imported into each wallet, so you do not need to edit any files. Duplicate transactions will not be imported.
While the ‘Statements’ CSV file is the recommended option, you can also upload other CSV or XLSX files exported from Binance. Below, we mention some of the most typical files you can export from your Binance Spot wallet.
Trade History
- Go to the Trade History page by hovering over ‘Orders’ in the top header and clicking ‘Spot Order’
( - Click on ‘Trade History’ in the left menu, and then on the ‘Export’ button (top-right corner)
- Next, click on ‘Beyond 6 months – Custom’ to export a maximum of one year of trade history for each file. Make sure to export files for all years you have traded on Binance.
- Click ‘Generate’ to start the process of creating the file. You will receive an email notification from Binance when the file is ready to download.
- Upload the CSV file(s) to Coinpanda
Note: You can also export trade history for up to a maximum of 6 months by selecting ‘Within 6 months – Custom‘ instead. This file will download directly without any waiting time.
Buy Crypto History
- Go to the Buy Crypto History page by hovering over ‘Orders’ in the top header and clicking ‘Buy Crypto History’
( - Click the ‘Export’ button and select your desired time range. The max range is 3 months which means you will most likely need to export multiple files.
- Click on ‘Export Excel’ to download the file
- Repeat the previous steps also for ‘Recurring Buy’, ‘Sell’, ‘Binance Access’ and ‘Exchange’
- Upload the XLSX file(s) to Coinpanda
P2P Orders
- Go to the P2P order page by hovering over ‘Orders’ in the top header and clicking ‘P2P Order’
( - Select the ‘View All’ tab
- Select ‘Completed’ in the Status dropdown and your desired date range
- Next, click on the download icon (right side) to download the file
- Upload the XLSX file to Coinpanda
Convert History
- Go to the Convert History page by hovering over ‘Orders’ in the top header and clicking ‘Convert History’
( - Select a custom time range and click ‘Export’ to download the file. The max range is 90 days which means you will most likely need to export multiple files.
- Upload the XLSX file(s) to Coinpanda
Deposits and Withdrawals
- Go to the Transaction History page by hovering over ‘Wallet’ in the top header and clicking ‘Transaction History’
( - Click on ‘Export Deposit History’ and select a custom time period (max 3 months)
- Click ‘Export Excel’ to download the file. Make sure to export the deposit history for all months.
- Next, select ‘Withdraw’ in the ‘Type’ dropdown and repeat the previous steps by clicking ‘Export Withdrawal History’
- Upload the XLSX file(s) to Coinpanda
NB! You will need to check the XLSX file for any withdrawals having zero fees. Withdrawals with zero fees will be imported as Receive, so you should therefore add a withdrawal fee to these transactions in the XLSX file and then remove the fee(s) after the transactions are imported.
Binance API limitations
Both the Binance API and file export functionality (web interface) have several limitations which are very important to be aware of.
- Trades made with delisted coins cannot be synced from API. You have essentially two options to get around this if you have traded any delisted coins:
- Select the Start import from: Now option in the modal where you add API keys and upload your historical transactions with CSV/XLSX files instead
- Add trades with delisted coins using the Coinpanda generic file or uploading a CSV/XLSX file from Binance that ONLY contains trades for delisted coins to avoid duplicate transactions with data already imported from API
- Only dust to BNB conversions from December 1, 2020, can be imported
- Internal Binance transfers between your Spot, Futures, and Margin wallets can only be imported from the past 6 months. This limitation was introduced by Binance in November 2021. Unfortunately, we don’t have any control over what changes Binance decides to make now or in the future.
We recommend using the Coinpanda generic file whenever you import transactions manually.