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Product Update: July 2022

Reading time: 4 mins


Peak summer time means peak productivity time for the Coinpanda team. Here are some of the releases we did in the month of July:

New API integrations

If there is something we love doing, it’s adding support for new API integrations. One of our most important goals is to support all major exchanges, blockchains, and wallets in crypto. During the last month, we got one step closer to achieving this goal by adding API support for a total of 13 new exchanges.

These are the exchanges we added support for:

  • Buda
  • Hoo Exchange
  • Txbit
  • Digital Surge
  • IDEX v3
  • Bitso
  • Upbit Korea
  • Exchange
  • Lykke
  • Coinmate
  • SouthXchange
  • P2PB2B
  • NDAX
New api integrations july 2022
New API integrations added in July

Have you used an exchange that lets you create API keys that we currently don’t support? Let us know in the Community Forum!

New CSV integrations

What’s the best way to spend hot summer days when the temperature creeps above 40 degrees celsius (104 Fahrenheit) in Europe? If you ask our integration experts, the answer is to turn on the aircondition in the office, sip on a Starbucks ice coffee, put on the headphones, and analyze thousands of CSV files.

In July alone, we updated our file support for 40+ exchanges and added support for 15+ new exchanges and wallets. While there are too many to mention all, here are some of the most noteworthy updates in random order:

  • Bitrue
  • CoinList Pro
  • DeFi Kingdoms
  • CoinLoan
  • BlockFi
  • VirgoCX
  • CoinDCX
  • Huobi Global
  • Bybit
  • Zonda
  • NBX
  • TradeStation
  • FTX
  • NiceHash
  • Young Platform
  • Shakepay
  • CoinJar
  • YouHodler
  • Coinberry
  • Phemex
  • PayPal
  • Revolut

Cardano public keys

We have some exciting news for the Cardano fam: We have (finally) added support for all different Cardano public key formats. Not only that, but we also support address formats from all eras including Byron. This means that whether you are using Daedalus, Yoroi, Adalite or any other Cardano wallet, all you have to do is add your address or public key in your Coinpanda account and all transactions will be imported automatically.

For those that are not familiar with all Cardano address formats, here is an unofficial (and incomplete list) of all address formats supported today:

Address typeFormatIs public key?
Stake keystake1…lu78s
Different Cardano address formats supported by Coinpanda

Referral and affiliate program overhaul

Our engineers did a complete overhaul of the technical parts of the referral and affiliate program last month. One of the issues we had to fix was that some users were seeing incorrect values for their total rewards. The reason for this is that we discovered a bug in the calculation of referral rewards that affected some users. We have now cross-checked all bug reports and we feel confident that our referral and affiliate users will have a much smoother experience going forward.

It was also a few issues related to requesting payouts so that the payout requests would not get picked up correctly by our team, and this has also been fixed now. However, we encourage you to contact us if you have any further questions related to either the referral or affiliate program.

Referral page screenshot
Screenshot of the Coinpanda referral page

Other bug fixes and improvements

While bugs might be trending in the culinary world, we on the other hand chase down and get rid of bugs on a daily basis. Here are some of the fixes and other improvements we did in the last month:

Duplicate symbol conflicts

Some cryptocurrencies have changed their ticker symbol which can create some challenges in identifying the correct currency during import from either API or file upload. As an example, all major exchanges used the ticker LUNA for the old Terra Luna chain but changed the ticker to LUNC after the new blockchain was launched in May. The new chain then adopted LUNA as the official ticker instead of the old chain.

Now, when you export your Terra Luna transaction history from an exchange such as Binance or FTX from a period including both the time before and after the new blockchain, transactions with both the old and new chain will have the same ticker LUNA in this case. Since almost no exchanges include the contract address in the trade history data provided either from API or from exported CSV files, it’s not directly clear which LUNA currency the transactions actually are.

To solve challenges like this (and many others), we have provided our algorithm with lots of new data and instructions to massively improve the accuracy in identifying tokens and blockchains correctly. The challenge with LUNA and LUNC is just one of many ticker conflicts our software is now handling correctly in (almost) all cases.

FTX and KuCoin leveraged tokens

While we have supported many of the leveraged tokens traded on FTX and KuCoin for a long time, our integration was not 100% complete and prices for some tokens were missing. Our engineering team went back to the drawing board and we now support all 243 tokens on FTX and 52 tokens on KuCoin from the first day of trading. Not only that, but we will automatically support any new tokens launched in the future so you can be rest assured that your tax calculations for leveraged tokens will be as accurate as possible.

We currently support almost 200 blockchains with API integration today, and last month we updated the blockchain explorer links for all blockchain transactions on the Transactions page. Whether you have traded on Arbitrum or bought NFTs on Cardano, you are just one click away from seeing the complete transaction in the block explorer.

That’s a wrap for this month’s updates! We hope you will enjoy these new features and improvements, and the Coinpanda team wishes you a good rest of the summer 🌞🚀

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