Track your crypto portfolio like a professional investor
Sync automatically all transactions from more than 800+ exchanges and wallets. Coinpanda supports futures, staking, DeFi, and NFTs.
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Your personal dashboard
Gain full insight into your portfolio’s value and performance from your dashboard. Track your gain/loss over time, and learn more about your cost basis and the potential for reducing your tax liability.
Start for freeFree portfolio tracker
Coinpanda keeps track of your transactions across all major exchanges and wallets.
See how your portfolio performs over time. Gain insight into your trading activity and habits.
Search Tool
Use our powerful & built-in search tool to find transactions for specific coins, exchanges, or wallets.
Margin Trades
Track all your margin trades from Binance, Bybit, KuCoin, Phemex, and other exchanges.
We know reporting taxes is not fun. That’s why we offer 24/7 free support to guide you through the process.
Tax Preview
Gain insight into the tax impact of every trade before you make them with our sophisticated trade preview tool.
Tax Reports
Automatically generate tax reports for capital gains and income. Export local tax forms like Form 8949 and Schedule D.
Tax Reduction
Pay less tax with our powerful tax-loss harvesting tool designed to reduce your tax bill.
Cost Basis
Calculate your cost basis with FIFO, LIFO, HIFO, or ACB cost basis method.
Coinpanda was built with security as our top priority. You can trust that your private data will remain safe.